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Questions?  Contact us at (888) 536-1585 

Metal Garage, Get your things under cover!

For our California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Customers. These prices and this link (below) is specific for you! This metal building is a 24′ wide x 25′ deep with (2) 10’wide x 8′ tall Roll up doors, (4) windows and (1) Walk Door. $13,655 + tax if applicable. Click this secure link to go to this specific metal building or metal garage and make any changes. If it defaults to California, you can click the State and change it to Oregon, Nevada, Oregon or Washington but the price should remain the same.

Click below to make any changes to the design:

2 Car Metal Building

Click below to make any changes to this design:

2 Car Carport or 2 Car Metal Garage to store your valuables. Our delivery and installation is included in our pricing. Sales tax is additional and if you are permitting your building, here is a link where you can find your wind and snow ratings. Share these with us and we can make sure to make any upgrades to your metal building to meet those requirements. (for your wind and snow ratings)

Metal Garage with lean-to

You like this one better with a lean-to? Add the 10×25 Lean-to and the price is now $18,000 for Oregon Metal Buildings, California Metal Buildings, Nevada Metal Buildings and Washington Metal Buildings. Click the secure link below and see all the items on this building. You want to order this exact building? Click the deposit button, make an 18% down payment and we will get things rolling for you.

Click below to make any changes to the design:

Steel Building with Metal Lean-to

Another side view of the metal building that is now 34x25x10/6 with the lean-to for additional coverage of your cars, wood and other valuables.

Click Here to make any changes to the design:

Metal Carport for Storage

If you are in need of a metal carport or a metal building or steel building, Pro Metal Buildings can help you. We can go as small as a 10′ wide carport up to a 100′ wide Warehouse. These styles that we have shown here are through our 3D design tool. You can make your own design by going directly to our website at and then click the 3D design tool. You can also call our office and our design teams would be happy to do that for you.




Again, these prices are good for the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington State but if you click the links we have provided and you are in a different State, it may default to the beginning stage of the design tool.

California Garage

Oregon Garage

Washington Garage

Nevada Garage