Questions? Contact us at (888) 536-1585 or
Questions? Contact us at (888) 536-1585
How do you prepare your site area for a Carport or Metal Building?
Our #buildings can sit on Concrete, Gravel, Asphalt & Dirt. This applies to any building that is up to 30′ wide on the gabled end. Length is not impacted on ground surface, only the gabled end.
The minute you go over 30′ wide, the truss system becomes a #warehouse style truss, and this means it will need to sit on a concrete pad or concrete runner only. The width of the runner will depend upon how wide you go on your building and what the engineer will call out for in your #engineereddrawings. Typically it can be 12″ wide on the truss or up to 24″ wide. The depth of your concrete again will depend on engineering and how big and heavy your building will be. See #Carport below on a gravel surface. This is a single leg #carport
#warehouses and the webbed style trusses are what you see below. This building is a 60′ wide Clearspan webbed truss system sitting on a concrete runner. We can build our #metalshops up to 100′ wide clear span and as long as you need.
A fully enclosed #warehouse 40′ wide below to show a finished enclosed #garage or #metalshop.
From 10′ wide up to 30′ wide can sit on any ground surface. From 31′ wide up to 100′ wide will need to go on a concrete runner or concrete pad. Call us at 888-536-1585 for any additional questions or visit our website at and start building your custom #shop or #steelbuilding.
Carports & Ground Surface