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5 Reasons Steel Barns Are Better Than Wood Barns

Looking to build a barn but not sure where to start? Here are five reasons to consider using steel instead of wood as your primary building material.

Whether you’re looking to house livestock or safeguard your grain stores, a barn is an essential farm building. These days, you have many choices when it comes to materials for building your barn, including galvanized steel and wood. Here are five reasons steel barns are better than wood barns.

1. Easier Upkeep

There’s really no competition here. Once you build a steel barn, you might not have to do any repainting or serious maintenance for 15 to 30 years. That’s an incredible savings of time, energy, and money compared to wooden barns, which need yearly washing and resealing.

2. Weather Resistance

If you live in a cold climate, steel is a better choice because of its inherent weather resistance. Wooden barns soak up the water from rain and snow, causing them to rot and bow under pressure. They also don’t stand up well to hail, whereas steel does.

3. Better Customization

If you live in a region with extreme weather (think hurricanes), you should definitely reconsider building a wooden barn. Unlike wood, steel buildings can be engineered to withstand high winds, making them a far better choice for inclement weather. Pro Metal Buildings provides a wide variety of custom metal barns to choose from.

4. Secure Foundation

Most wooden barns are pole barns, meaning central poles anchor the building to the ground directly. Unfortunately, they can shift as the ground sinks over time, causing structural problems invisible to the naked eye. On the other hand, builders anchor steel barns to concrete slabs that keep the entire building level and secure.

5. Customizable Appearance

Many people choose wooden barns for purely aesthetic reasons, thinking that a steel barn will look ugly and industrial. In reality, steel barns are highly customizable, and you can add features like stone stucco and landscaping to make them look more natural. With a bright coat of red and white paint, you can even have the classic barn look with a fraction of the upkeep costs.

We hope this list of reasons why steel barns are better than wood barns has been helpful. You can easily have the look of a beautiful American barn with the durability and lower costs of steel.

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Steel Barns, Pole Barns